My 8 year mini birthday photoshoot tradition continues, as I begin the countdown to my birthday. I will be 34 this year and OMG! It's crazy to think that I've been doing this for almost 10 years. I started it in 2016 and those photos were not the best because I had lost a lot of weight after losing my little sister, but I decided to do it wearing peak hats that she designed.

As the years have gone by, I've realised that I do it to celebrate life and all that I have been through (good and bad) and all that I have accomplished in the last 365 days. I do it to capture the moments as I become a year older and love the woman I am and the one I am BECOMING even more. It's always my mission to be a better person, to grow wiser, to be more generous, more patient, more knowledgeable, more understanding and caring; so I hope I am improving. I will look back on all of the photos one day and hopefully be able to say that I aged gracefully. I look after myself inside and out, but being a good person and having a clean heart will help with that too.

Follow me on Instagram for more photos, and variations of each day's photo. I post a little collection on each account @kayishaonline, @kayishathomas @klondontv @sophisticatedktees @sparkssunglasses and @pcbphotography. I can NEVER just choose 1 photo.🎈🎉 KO ⭐❤⭐

With this outfit I chose to wear the New Victory SPARKS Exclusive shades by @sparkssunglasses. They are embossed with the Sterling Silver S pendant and I'm so pleased. Every time I see the S, I think of my little sister, Shani. Visit to shop the Next ERA Collection.
You can also follow me on Facebook and Instagram for daily motivation @kayishaonline.
Be Inspired!